The Environmental Compliance Office (ECO) provides premium consultancy services in the field of environmental compliance. ECO helps its clients achieve environmental compliance by the application of Cleaner Production technologies (CP) thus reducing the environmental impacts of their business and at the same time attaining higher profits due to improved product quality and reduced waste. The office is currently active in promoting CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) commitment in the small and medium enterprises (SME); |
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It has always incorporated issues such as gender, child labor, OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) as an integral part of its environmental activities, and SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), ILSI (International Life Science Institute), PPSI (Private Public Sector Industry), and EOS (Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality).
The Environmental Compliance Office at the Federation of Egypian Industies (ECO) was established in 2002 by the Egyptian Goverment in accordance with article 3 of presidential decree no. 64 of 2001. ECO provides premium consultancy services for the private industrial sector in the field of cleaner production, environmental management system and energy efficiency, strengthen the competencies and the local capabilities to promote the cleaner production technology.